Monthly Archives: November 2012

what ethnography can mean today

By training, I’m an anthropologist. I’ve been asked what inspired my interest in dinosaurs. I’ve been told, “Oh, cool! Just like Indiana Jones!” I’ve witnessed the pity in people’s eyes as they sadly say, “Is there any call for an anthropologist these days?” Actually, anthropology is a vibrant, dynamic field that explores the taken-for-granted all around us.

One way we do our work is through ethnography – essentially story-telling about culture and practice. Literally, it means ‘cultural writing.’ It has branched off in many directions, and increasingly ethnographers are moving toward visual ethnographic techniques, including filmmaking. Now everyone has an opportunity to check out some exciting new work by visual ethnographers online. B.R.I.O. (Brilliant Observation of Reality) is
a cultural association dedicated to promoting Italian culture and documentary
films focused on cultural themes and methodologies. is a Canadian
online broadcasting network that provides online broadcasting services including self-service and managed online broadcasting accounts to help artists, entertainers, entrepreneurs and educators get their online livecasting up and running and earning money. The collaborators are rolling out a collective social sharing campaign to take advantage of no-and-low cost social networking channels and build community across their respective networks.

Here is the official info:

“Italian, American and Canadian collaborators, B.R.I.O., New Intelligentsia Online Cinemas and are co-producing an online broadcast of select films from the second Intimate Lens Ethnographic Film Festival Caserta 2012. The live festival, co-sponsored by B.R.I.O. and Bagaria will be held in Caserta, Italy, December 6-9, 2012. The online broadcast of eleven international films from the festival will show December 6-12, 2012 on Tickets go on sale November 26, 2012; an $8.00 subscription buys access to all of the movies in the show for ten days.”


open access

In this increasingly online world, research knowledge is being democratized. What does that mean in plain words? It means that the information generated by scientists and other researchers is no longer contained only in expensive scholarly journals that are only accessible to other researchers and people with ties to university or college libraries.

Creative Commons has links to a variety of open access journals, where researchers can publish their peer-reviewed papers and make them accessible to anyone with an interest in engaging with the knowledge.